July 2020
Oblique Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy with a New Plate and Compression System
Lauder, A J, MD, Trumble, T E, MD UW Medicine Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine 2006 Research Report, 50-53. The ulnar shortening osteotomy has become the gold standard for
Comparison of Ulnar-Shortening Osteotomy With a New TriMed Dynamic Compression System Versus the Synthes Dynamic Compression System: Clinical Study
Luria, S, MD, Lauder, A J, MD, Trumble, T E, MD The Journal of Hand Surgery, Vol. 33A, November 2008, Page 1493-1497 Purpose: Ulnar-shortening osteotomy has become common in the
A Prospective Study on the Initial Results of a Low Profile Ulna Shortening Osteotomy System
Isaacs, J., MD, Howard, S., OTR/L, CHT, Gulkin, D., MD HAND (2010) 5:148–154, Article, September 2009 Abstract: Extra-articular ulnar shortening osteotomy, in principle, is an accepted treatment option for symptomatic
Outcomes of Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy Fixed with a Dynamic Compression System
Ahsan ZS, Song Y, Yao J Journal of Hand Surgery; Volume 38, Number 8, August 2013, Pages 1520-1523 Purpose: To evaluate the outcomes of patients with ulnar impaction syndrome treated
Ulnar Impaction: Ulnar Shortening Ulnar-Sided Wrist Pain
Isaacs J, Frankenhoff J A Master Skills Publication; Ed. Greenberg J, 2013; Chapter 13, Pages 137-148, 2013 Ulnar impaction syndrome (UIS), also known as ulnar abutment syndrome, is a painful
Forearm Transplantation Osteosynthesis Using Modified Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy Technique
Higgins J, Shores J, Katz R, Lee WPA, Wolock B Journal of Hand Surgery; 2014, January, Volume 39, Number 1, Pages 134-142 One of the challenges of forearm-level hand transplantation