July 2020
An Anatomic and Kinematic Analysis of a New Total Wrist Arthoplasty Design
Hooke A W MA, Petterson K MD, Sagefors M. MD, An K MD, Rizzo M MD Journal of Wrist Surgery, 04(02), 121–127. Background: Total wrist arthroplasty (TWA) is a viable surgical
Biomechanical comparison of the holding strenght of a Peek Optima Circular Plate vs a Stainless Steel Oblique T-Plate for Radioscapholunate Arthrodesis
Isaacs, J., M.D., Yen Shipley, N., M.D., Owen, J., M.D., Patterson Owings, F., B.A., Wayne, J., PhD. The Journal of Hand Surgery, 33(10), 1765-1769, December 2008 Purpose: Radioscapholuate arthrodesis is
Biomechanical comparison of three fixation techniques used for four-corner arthrodesis
J. Kraisarin, MD; D.G. Dennison, MD; L.J. Berglund, BS; K.N. An, PhD and Alex Y. Shin, MD Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume), 36(7), 560-567. Sept 7, 2011 Abstract: Clinical
The rate of successful four-corner arthrodesis with a locking, dorsal circular polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK-Optima) plate
Rhee PC, Shin AY Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume), 38(7), 767-773. Feb 6, 2013 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the rate of union after four-corner
Four-Corner Arthrodesis with a Radiolucent Locking Dorsal Circular Plate
Rudnick B, Goljan P, Pruzansky J, Bachoura A, Jacoby S, Rekant M Technique and Outcomes. Hand, 9(3), 315-321, September 2014 Abstract: Background: Scaphoid excision and four-corner arthrodesis (FCA) is an acceptable motion
The Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy
Anthony J. Lauder, M.D., Douglas P. Hanel, M.D., Thomas E. Trumble, M.D. American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Chapter 18, Copyright ASSH 2006