July 2020
2-Year Retrospective Single Practice Ankle Fracture Study
Medoff, R, MD Abstract, Castle Medical Center, Kailua, Hawaii, USA
Fragment Specific wrist fixation system used in foot and ankle applications Poster #28
Cush, G., M.D., Gibbs, J., M.D. American Orthopeadic Foot & Ankle Association, 23rd Annual Summer Meeting, July 2007 , 07/01/2007
Clinical and Biomechanical Evaluation of the “Sidewinder” Fibular Fixation Plate
Cush, G, MD, Campbell, M, MD, Maloney, P, MD, Gibbs, J, MD AOFAS 25th Annual Meeting, Scientific Poster #98, July 2009
Initial Outcome of Ankle Fractures Treated with the TriMed Ankle Fixation System
Psychoyios, V.N., Thompa, S, Intzirtzis, P, Mpogiopoulos, A, Zampiakis, E The Bone & Joint Journal Abstract: Ankle fractures are among the most common injuries treated by orthopaedic surgeons, and surgical
The Cost-Effectiveness of the TriMed Sidewinder Plate for the Treatment of Weber B Ankle Fractures
John D. Hewitt M.D., Craig T Haytmanek M.D., Joshua N. Tennant M.D., Ryan C. May M.S., Selene G. Parekh M.D. MBA Current Orthopaedic Practice, 22(6), 534–537 Background: Ankle fractures are
Biomechanical Performance of a New Device for Medial Malleolar Fractures
R Adelaar MD, J Wayne, T Patel, JR Owen, W Byrd, R Graves, R Chande, V Mounasamy Foot & Ankle International, 34(3), 426–433, Mar 2013 Background: Displaced medial malleolus fractures