August 2020
Long-term Outcomes of Proximal Row Carpectomy: a Minimum of 15-Year Follow-Up
Mir H Ali, MD; Marco Rizzo, MD; Alexander Y Shin, MD and Steven L Moran, MD Hand, 7(1), 72-78 Abstract: Introduction: Proximal row carpectomy (PRC) is a popular procedure for
Clinical Outcomes of Scaphoid and Triquetral Excision With Capitolunate Arthrodesis Versus Scaphoid Excision and Four-Corner Arthrodesis
Rudnick B, Goljan P, Pruzansky J, Bachoura A, Jacoby S, Rekant M The Journal of Hand Surgery, 34(8), 1407-1412, October 2009 Purpose: To compare the clinical outcomes of scaphoid and
July 2020
Baker A, Ishikawa S, Hindfoot Arthrodesis in Charcot Neuropathy Utilizing a Subtalar Fusion Cup
Baker A, Ishikawa S. Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery, 14(4), 171-176, December 2015 Abstract: Surgical treatment of Charcot neuroarthropathy is complicated by poor wound healing, nonunion, malunion, recurrent ulceration,
Biomechanical Comparison of Intramedullary Screw Versus Low-Profile Plate Fixation of a Jones Fracture
Huh J, Glisson R, Matsumoto T, Easley M Foot and Ankle International Vol. 37, Number 4: 411-418 Background: Intramedullary screw fixation of fifth metatarsal Jones fractures often produces statisfactory results, however,
Does Screw Orientation Play a Role in Fracture Fixation – A Sawbone Study Using A Transverse Patella Fracture Model
Sherman, D, Boitano, M, Wildt, D, Geist, D, Bir, C ORS Poster Draft Feb 19
Rotational Scarf Osteotomy Decreases Troughing When Treating Hallux Valgus
Murawski, C, Egan, C, RPA-C, Kennedy, J, MD Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®, 469(3), 847–853. October 2010 Abstract: Background The traditional scarf osteotomy has been associated with complications rates between