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So far admin has created 109 blog entries.

Simplifying the Volar Distraction Osteotomy for Distal Radius Malunion Repair


Luke P. Robinson, MD, Rashad H. Usmani, MD, Victor Fehrenbacher, MD, Lauren Protzer, MD Journal of Wrist Surgery, March 24 2021 Background: Extra-articular fractures of the distal radius are often treated with a trial of nonoperative management if radiographic parameters are within an acceptable range, especially in the elderly population. Unfortunately,

Simplifying the Volar Distraction Osteotomy for Distal Radius Malunion Repair2021-04-28T11:21:59-07:00

A Novel Technique for Correcting Radial Length and Translation in Distal Radius Fractures


Wang, W.L., and Tosti, R. (2018) Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, 22 (3), 116-119. Abstract: We describe a novel technique in correcting distal radius fractures deformed with significant shortening or coronal plane translation in both the acute or chronic setting. The technique involves using a modified push-pull device to

A Novel Technique for Correcting Radial Length and Translation in Distal Radius Fractures2021-02-11T10:59:09-08:00

Functional Outcome and Complications After Volar Plating for Dorsally Displaced, Unstable Fractures of the Distal Radius


Rozental, T. D., & Blazar, P. E. (2006) The Journal of Hand Surgery, 31(3), 359–365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhsa.2005.10.010 Purpose: Despite the recent popularity of volar plating for dorsally displaced distal radius fractures there is a paucity of data documenting the results of this treatment method. The purpose of this study was to determine

Functional Outcome and Complications After Volar Plating for Dorsally Displaced, Unstable Fractures of the Distal Radius2021-02-11T10:57:28-08:00

IFU – English (USA)


IFU - English (USA)

IFU – English (USA)2020-10-06T01:41:30-07:00

Long-term Outcomes of Proximal Row Carpectomy: a Minimum of 15-Year Follow-Up


Mir H Ali, MD; Marco Rizzo, MD; Alexander Y Shin, MD and Steven L Moran, MD Hand, 7(1), 72-78 Abstract: Introduction: Proximal row carpectomy (PRC) is a popular procedure for the treatmet of wrist arthritis; however, the long-term clinical outcomes of this procedure are not well characterized. The purpose of this

Long-term Outcomes of Proximal Row Carpectomy: a Minimum of 15-Year Follow-Up2020-08-20T23:13:12-07:00

Clinical Outcomes of Scaphoid and Triquetral Excision With Capitolunate Arthrodesis Versus Scaphoid Excision and Four-Corner Arthrodesis


Rudnick B, Goljan P, Pruzansky J, Bachoura A, Jacoby S, Rekant M The Journal of Hand Surgery, 34(8), 1407-1412, October 2009 Purpose: To compare the clinical outcomes of scaphoid and triquetral excision combined with capitolunate arthrodesis versus 4-corner (capitate, hamate, lunate, triquetrum) intercarpal arthrodesis. Methods: We retrospectively identified 50 patients with

Clinical Outcomes of Scaphoid and Triquetral Excision With Capitolunate Arthrodesis Versus Scaphoid Excision and Four-Corner Arthrodesis2021-08-12T18:41:32-07:00

Baker A, Ishikawa S, Hindfoot Arthrodesis in Charcot Neuropathy Utilizing a Subtalar Fusion Cup


Baker A, Ishikawa S. Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery, 14(4), 171-176, December 2015 Abstract: Surgical treatment of Charcot neuroarthropathy is complicated by poor wound healing, nonunion, malunion, recurrent ulceration, and deformity recurrence. This article gives an overview of different arthrodesis techniques used in Charcot neuroarthroparthy along with a description of

Baker A, Ishikawa S, Hindfoot Arthrodesis in Charcot Neuropathy Utilizing a Subtalar Fusion Cup2020-08-20T23:16:59-07:00

Biomechanical Comparison of Intramedullary Screw Versus Low-Profile Plate Fixation of a Jones Fracture


Huh J, Glisson R, Matsumoto T, Easley M Foot and Ankle International Vol. 37, Number 4: 411-418 Background: Intramedullary screw fixation of fifth metatarsal Jones fractures often produces statisfactory results, however, nonunion and refracture rates are not negligible. The low-profile "hook" plate is an alternative fixation methods that has been promoted to

Biomechanical Comparison of Intramedullary Screw Versus Low-Profile Plate Fixation of a Jones Fracture2020-08-20T22:49:16-07:00
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